Steve Sparkes

Steve Sparkes
Video Game Developer

Hello there! I'm Steve Sparkes, a video game developer who's always looking to make more games.
I have a diverse skill set spanning programming, sound and design.
Have a look at the projects that I have worked on using the links above, or see my skills listed below. If you have any questions, or would like to request a bespoke CV, please do get in contact!

7 years game development experience.
MA Games Enterprise (first).
1 year experience in a programming lead position.
5 released mobile titles.
2 released Steam titles.
Member of BAFTA Games Crew 2018 & 2019 networking and development program.
2 years of Unity experience; 6 years of Unreal Engine experience.
3 years of C++ experience; 6 years of Unreal Blueprint experience.
2 years of C# experience.
Experience with Amazon Web Services and SteamWorks.
Fully versed and experienced in GitHub and other source control platforms, through both desktop apps and the command line interface.
Solo designer and developer for 6 game jam entries.
Developed over 10 game jam entries.
5 years of sound design and music composition experience, for games and other media.
Guest lecturer for a University of South Wales game design course.
Maintain a live twitter bot (@ProceduralFlags) that procedurally generates flag designs.